Our Mission
Who Are We?
JuniorCoach is a student-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2018.
JuniorCoach is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing peer-to-peer free instruction for youth ages 6-22 in all areas: academics, arts, sports, and hobbies. We believe that education comes from a foundation of academic success and achievement, but also from extracurricular activities, which can supplement and diversify a student’s knowledge about the world.
JuniorCoach is about creating the necessary life skills that a child needs to succeed in the real world. Our students have gone through massive personal changes through our programs: academic grades have gone up, parents say their child is more willing to engage in new activities, and students have started to realize the payoff that hard work and practice can give. This is because they have taken the skills they learned in our programs, especially our extracurricular programs, and applied it to things in their daily life—things like school, relationships with friends and family, and other extracurriculars.
We like to call this the “extracurricular education”: the education you can’t get from formal instruction, but is so essential to the growth of a child.
Education means more than just copying notes from a textbook. It means actively learning, doing, engaging, and that’s what we strive to provide.
How Does Our Program Work?
Once you become a JuniorCoach member, your student can now book lessons with any one of the JuniorCoaches on our website. You can sort by location, name, or specialties. You can also check out their profile and bios to make sure that they fit your student’s educational and personal needs. Reach out to them via our chat feature, or book directly a lesson. A Zoom meeting link will automatically be sent to both of you for you to access during the actual time of the lesson. Once you finish your lesson, you are free to leave a review on your JuniorCoach.
You can also join a JuniorCoach chapter to receive a more individualized, personal experience with your JuniorCoach community.
How Do I Sign Up?
To become a JuniorCoach member, sign up for an account on this website. To access our lessons, our nonprofit requests a $25 annual donation for unlimited lessons and access for an entire year. This contribution helps us maintain long-term growth and ensure that JuniorCoach will continue to serve more students in the future. However, we pride ourselves on being affordable and accessible to students of all backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. Therefore, if you believe you cannot afford this donation, please email us at info@juniorcoach.org and we will contact you to see if you qualify to get your donation waived.