For Students
- Access website and select “Join Us > Become a Student”.

- Enter all the required information.
Before Submitting, review and sign “Student Waiver and Release Form”

- After successfully registration, you will be redirected to “membership select” page. Click “Select” button and complete payment.

- You can freely book our lessons. Have fun!
For JuniorCoaches/Tutors
- Access website and select “Join Us > Become a JuniorCoach/Tutor”

- Navigate to “Apply Now” section and click “Apply”

- Register for an account:
Enter all the required information. Before Submitting, review, sign and upload “Volunteer Waiver and Release Form”

- It takes several business days for administrator to prepare your personal page and calendar.
- Login to your account
- Point “JuniorCoach” and click “Dashboard”

- Select “Tutors” Tab, Then select “edit” to edit the personal information

- Login to your account
- Point “JuniorCoach” and click “Dashboard”

- Customize timeslot(s)

- Add new zoom meeting for every timeslot, complete meeting configuration and copy meeting permalink

- Go back to “Appointment>Setting”, “Custom Field”, add zoom meeting(s)

- Done. Have Fun
- You must be a JuniorCoach volunteer. If you have not yet registered, please register as a volunteer.
- Provide a brief introduction of yourself and state the subjects (Math, English, Science, Music, Dance, etc.) you want to teach.
- Decide on the class time, the number of students, grade levels, and what the club expects to achieve.
- The volunteers may design and make their own club flyer including all the above information. The JuniorCoach team can also make the flyer for you (contact to do this). Our internal affairs team will promote your club in the WeChat group.
- Starting from September 1, 2022, all club preparations, classes, homework assignments and corrections all count towards volunteer hours. All volunteers who run clubs may receive class preparation hours = class hours x 2.
For example, if you have 8 lessons that are each 1hr, your total class preparation hours will be 8hr x 2 = 16hr. Your total volunteer hours for the club will be 16hr + 8hr (class hours) = 24hr
Volunteers may fill out a volunteer log form for their hours and send it to for signatures.