Ananya Bhardwaj

Fremont, CA, United States
I am Ananya Bhardwaj, a student at American High School in the accelerated math and engineering pathway. I have a strong foundation in math and I enjoy engineering and design. I am following the Project Lead The Way engineering course and growing as a thinker and problem-solver every day. I have studied at institutions such as CTY John Hopkins and the Russian School of Math, so I also have experience with complex and accelerated math courses. Additionally, I have been a dancer for the past 7 years. I am a member of the Leela Youth Dance Company, a pre-professional classical Indian dance company, and have performed in various festivals and galas representing traditional Indian dance in Los Angeles and Philadelphia. I am also an assistant instructor at another dance company, Gurus of Dance, so I have experience teaching others.
Subjects: French, Math
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