Bidhi Pant

San Ramon, California, United States
HI! My name is Bidhi, and I am looking forward to being a junior coach! I have lots of interests, such as math, art, or any school subject. I take lots of extracurricular classes, such as the Russian School of Mathematics, and my high school GPA so far is a 4.0. I am in the Crow Canyon Sharks swim team in San Ramon, and I also have been learning French since I was 9 years old. I am also pretty great at art. I previously won the Honorable Mention badge in the Junior Duck art contest in MA, 2021, and I also really love to pencil sketch realistic animals. Additionally, I skated for 3 years and reached the Freeskate 1 level. I would really like to help people overcome their difficulties through tutoring. I am very excited to be a mentor, and if I am selected, I hope my students get to learn a whole lot from me!
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