Joanne Jin

My name is Joanne Jin. I am an 8th grader from Texas. I have four years of teaching experience. I have taught English to Chinese students overseas since I was in 5th grade and tutored younger kids in the community in English. I enjoy sharing my passion for reading and writing with my students. In addition, I'm as passionate about swimming as I am about writing. I have also taught swimming lessons to younger kids. I have received almost perfect scores in my English literature class at school. I diligently create and write poetry and prose, as I have a deep passion for creative writing and aspire to see my writing published. Outside of school, my friend and I created an art and writing club to encourage and motivate people's creativity. Additionally, I swim competitively, write and perform spoken-word poetry, and draw. I also actively participate in the Toastmasters speech club and am the advisor of the Redbud speech club.
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